1 Peter Intro
Who is diving into 1st Peter chapter 1 today and this week?
Here are a few things to keep in mind as you begin reading.
*This is a letter written by the Apostle Peter to Christians that have been dispersed to different areas. These Christians are being rejected and persecuted. Peter wants to encourage them to stand strong in the Lord.
*Remember Peter was not just one of Jesus's disciples, he was in his inner circle so he knew Jesus personally. So as you read through you can be encouraged with his words knowing how well he knew our Savior.
*Peter was known to be outspoken with no filter, remember he cut off someone's ear for Jesus, he loved Jesus so much, he also rejected him 3 times but fled into his arms when Jesus showed up on the shore after the resurrection.
I hope this helps guides your reading and questions, knowing a little about Peter and the Christians he is writing to. This is a letter, meant to be read from the beginning to the end. Comment here if you have any questions at all. I encourage you to read through 1st Peter every day and go through the questions. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you ladies.
1st Peter Chapter 1 Study Guide questions:
- What does "living hope" mean to you?
- In what sense are you and I "elect exiles?" Do you feel like you are misunderstood on this earth?
- Look up the definition of Inheritance. What kind of inheritance is waiting for all of the believers in Jesus Christ? (Reference 1 Peter 1:3-5)
- What do you think some of the trials were the dispersed Christians faced? What are some of your trials you are facing right now? (Reference 1 Peter 1:7-8)
- What are some ways you can be obedient in your discipline to be "Holy?" (Reference 1 Peter 1:13-16)