2017- The year I Throw all of my Goals & Dreams Away
Well here we are, closing a chapter and starting a new one in 2017!Every year I read articles, write down goals, and gain a little hope that the things I failed at in 2016 will be different. Everybody loves a fresh perspective, a new beginning, and saying goodbye to the past.The last 4 Decembers I would write down NEW goals and it’s funny how similar they look on each piece of paper. That could only mean ONE thing, I failed at most of them each year. The hope of January quickly faded as the reality of March stepped in. Sometimes I wish good intentions would actually replace the action needed to truly make a change in my life.
Last night I sat with my journal and pen, I was determined to make my new list and I wrote down one thing I try to do every year “read the Bible the whole way through.” It made me mad looking at those words because it reminded me of what a failure I had been the last 3 years. The word QUIT kept replaying in my mind then suddenly it started to define who I was. I not only felt like a quitter, my hope of ever becoming the opposite started to fade. I stared at my TV and started to even QUIT writing new goals down and just turned to Netflix. I felt a burning in my stomach and God whispered in my heart, pick up your Bible. Netflix could wait, God had a message for me. I flipped it open and this verse jumped off the page,
Jeremiah 29:11: "For I know the plans I have for you," says the LORD. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.”
The word HOPE might as well have slapped me in the face. I put so much of my hope in setting new goals, that I missed the person who gave me breath to even have a PURPOSE. Jesus is my HOPE, and HE loves me regardless if I actually accomplish my goals.So this year is different, my only goal is to become closer to the ONE who beautifully designed me. HE created me, so why not use all of my time and energy discovering why? HE has plans for me, so who cares what my plans are. WHO IS WITH ME?If you want to start a new journey with me by throwing away your goals and dreams and focusing on Jesus then comment “I trust Jesus” and include your email. Share this post on social media so your friends and family can join us. I will be posting articles about this journey and I would love for you to come alongside me. The control freak in me is having an internal melt down, but my heart is beating fast and I believe that is Jesus saying, “TRUST ME.” So the only goal and dream I have in 2017 is to TRUST JESUS and grow my relationship with HIM. And I believe with all of my heart that everything else with fall into place, God’s way not mine.It’s time, do you want to trust Jesus more? Start this journey with me by commenting “I trust Jesus” and include your email. Don’t forget to click the “share” button. Let's gather our tribe and encourage others to TRUST JESUS, lets go ALL IN FOR HIM in 2017!