Create In Me Retreat
If you have a desire to CREATE and seek the one who put those desires in your heart, then this retreat is for YOU! Ashley Hepperly and I have set this weekend aside to help pull out of you what God put inside of you when you were in your mother's womb.
If you have a desire to DREAM and work in your gifting, a desire to write, lead worship, or ready to discover and walk in your true identity then sign up today. There are only 12 spots open.
Your ticket includes 2 nights in the cabin, 3 meals, dessert night, training/resources and workshops that will help set your 2020 on fire!
Grab your ticket here!
Tuckaleechee Retreat Center
Deer Lodge
160 Bear Lodge Drive
Townsend, Tennessee
February 7-9, 2020
*Covers 2 nights in the cabin, 3 meals plus dessert night
Purchase your ticket here.