Designed for Him
I just recently got some pictures taken and I will be 100% transparent, I DREADED IT. For so many years I struggled with insecurities and looking at pictures made me feel defeated. When I look at a picture of me I see all of my imperfections and immediately feel depressed. My wrinkles, chubby arms, and my curly hair that I work tirelessly to make straight is the only thing I notice. The first place I take my picture is to an Instagram filter (you know you do it too) to try to brighten my circles under my eyes and thin myself by cropping. I change lots of things about the picture before it's "social media" ready.
I got the email today that my photographer had some "head shots" ready. My stomach churned as I opened the file. When I opened one of the first pictures I wanted to cry. Jenny Blankenship captured "me" the "real me" the "imperfect me" in one picture. You can see my tired eyes and wrinkles but God started healing my heart as I heard him whisper, YOU ARE MINE. HE beautifully designed me for a purpose and the only thing HE cares about is my heart. HE loves me in spite of my imperfections.
For so many years I bashed HIS image by defining beauty on how many wrinkles I had or what the scale number read. I was focusing inward and not on the ONE who specifically created me for HIM. God is helping me overcome the negativity my mind creates, and I want to encourage you to look in the mirror and remind yourself that you are BEAUTIFULLY DESIGNED for HIM. HE loves you outrageously!
"So God created mankind in his own image,in the image of God he created them;male and female he created them." Genesis 1:27
Check out Jenny Blankenship's website, she has a true gift of capturing JOY!