Ep 33: You are Free

Ladies! The enemy did not want this message out. I had to record this episode 5 times before it actually worked. The audio is horrible but I was determined to fight for this message God laid on my heart. Let me know after you listen if you feel like it was for you and how God spoke to you through it.

Every single day we have habits and patterns. We follow these to have order in our lives. In 2 Timothy Paul is writing Timothy and he reminds him to "follow the pattern of sound words.." It matters who we allow to speak into our lives because if we allow the wrong thing or person to create patterns in our lives we will be BOUND up in chains. Listen to this episode and ask God to remind you that YOU ARE FREE!!! GOD'S WORD has no chains and limits on your life. Allow it to speak to your heart today! Love you ladies, please feel free to share this with the women in your life.

Click the link below to listen to the podcast episode.


EP 34: Bitterness or Faith


Ep 32: Free from the Lies