Episode 26: Living Awake

I am so excited about our Fall season and cannot wait to share everything God has placed on my heart with each of you. There is a theme to the topics we will be sharing and it can be summed up into 2 words "LIVING AWAKE." That is my heart for each and every one you, that you would be awakened to what God has for you every single day.

I have been through 2 years of a "wilderness" and "pruning" season and although it has been difficult, I believe there was a huge purpose behind it. And one of the purposes is to share the real heartaches, lessons, and truths that God has shown me to YOU. So, let me re-introduce myself because I feel like I am not even the same person as I was. My name is Ashley Shepherd, I am a wife to Ryan, mom to Wilson and Levi, founder and author of Beautifully Designed and a SINNER saved by God's Grace. I am a woman who has been awakened by the Holy Spirit and I am on a mission to share it with the world. Get your seatbelts on LADIES, this is going to be an amazing fall!!!!!!!

Let's fill our souls with what matters most.

Click on the link below to listen to the podcast directly.


When Striving Becomes Strife 


Revive My Heart Retreat