EP 37: Flourishing Faith

"If you have fear, you have the absence of FAITH." This was the quote I heard in a sermon on Sunday and I can't shake it.

I spent the first few weeks of 2021 wallowing in the residue of 2020 and I AM DONE! 

Our team has come up with an incredible resource for you called "Flourishing Faith." It's a way you can grow your faith with encouragement and tools through God's Word. All you have to do is sign up for our newsletter on the homepage of our website.  

I invite you to listen to this episode and make a choice to "fight the fight of FAITH." It's time the Beautifully Designed women rise up and be difference-makers in the midst of chaos through Jesus. I believe everything has a seed and it's time to weed out the distractions and negativity and plant God's peace and calling in our souls!!!


Coming to Life Week 1


EP 36: Pursuit of Truth