Jesus in Disguise
Service Week
“Truly, I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me” Matthew 25:40During the week of Nov 18th – 25th, we want to encourage you to participate in Beautifully Designed’s First Annual Service Project!
This year our theme is Jesus in Disguise.
Here at Beautifully Designed, we never want to forget that we were made in His own image. We are called to be Jesus to others by showing them love – that is how they see Jesus’ kindness, compassion, grace and love. When we seek to love on those people and be Jesus to them, we are also serving our Lord and Savior by being His hands and feet.
This Holiday Season, it is our desire to take a week as a community to be Jesus in Disguise and to serve Jesus in Disguise. God brought this incredible group of women together to do big things for His Kingdom. All of us together, across the country, can make an impactful ripple effect on the lives of those who are in need of Him.~ Choose someone to serve during the week of Nov 18th – 25th : It can be an individual, an organization , a charity or a community. It can be random acts of kindness, serving at the Rescue Mission in your town or loving on the elderly in your local Long Term Care facility. Just find a need and fill it with Jesus!~ Get your kids and those in your circle of life involved! The more hands and feet, the better!~ Hashtag your experiences with #JesusinDisguise & #beautifullydesigned so that we can all be a part of your Jesus in Disguise moments no matter where are geographically!