Just Keep Swimming

When I get overwhelmed or frustrated with life this phrase "Just Keep Swimming" pops in my head.  I just imagine me swimming in the ocean when there is a raging storm with all of the waves knocking me in different directions.  The current is pushing me in the opposite direction I want to go.  There have been things recently that have knocked me in the direction I am trying to avoid.The busyness of life, other people's opinions, and my need to be a "helicopter mom" has overtaken my heart.  I end up worrying if my son is safe at school because in my mind he has fallen off the monkey bars and broke his arm, or wondering what other people think of me when I drop my kids off in my PJ's (I know my momma friends are smiling).  My heart and mind start to fill up with worry, doubt, and scenarios that is typically seen in a horror film.  Each time that happens it's like another wave is trying to distract me from my beautifully designed life.  90% of the things that "happen" in my mind never actually end up occurring.

You rule the swelling of the sea; when its waves rise, YOU still them.  Psalm 89:9

The most beautiful time at the beach is when the water remains still. You can just lay on your back and look up at the beautiful sky and feel PEACE!  Peace in my heart is what I desire even when the waves appear I can still have PEACE through Christ.  The only way this can happen is to BE STILL in the midst of the storm and allow Jesus to rule over the waves in life.  In my personal experience being still does not come easy, it actually is non existent, hence why I am a helicopter mom.  So I have to do what doesn't come naturally and TRUST even when I don't feel like it.

calm the storm

'Do you not fear Me?' declares the LORD 'Do you not tremble in My presence? For I have placed the sand as a boundary for the sea, An eternal decree, so it cannot cross over it. Though the waves toss, yet they cannot prevail; Though they roar, yet they cannot cross over it.  Jeremiah 5:22

My thoughts can be the waves that overtake my heart.  I believe that Jesus is the only one that can CALM the storm and give me rest. Life is hard, busy, and overwhelming but with HIM you can have PEACE. 


A Beautiful Stranger


Training for Life