Lasting Legacy of Obedience
The definition of Legacy is "something handed down from one generation to the next." This morning I had the honor to speak at my papaw's Church, Jones Chapel in Sevierville, TN. This was the Church that as a little girl I watched my mamaw sing in the choir, lead VBS for over 30 years, and I have seen my papaw serve for almost 50 years. The people in the Church watched me grow up and walking into that building the smell made me feel at HOME.

I believe there are good and bad things that can be passed down to the next generation, and my heart almost exploded with gratefulness because what was shown was the simple OBEDIENCE TO CHRIST sewn in our LEGACY today.

As my son and I walked up to sing in the choir I could almost hear my mamaw's voice and see her beautiful smile, when I stepped up to speak I could see the proudness spill out of my papaws face. They have been obedient in growing in their walk with the Lord and because of that not only me and my husband but my boys will see the fruit of that.

The Lord has blessed me with the opportunity to lead the Beautifully Designed ministry not because I am perfect but because I am willing. I have watched my grandparents serve, love, and work for the Lord. I have experienced my parents, Kent and Teresa Loveday, give selflessly and tirelessly to not only people in the community but to a third world country. I have witnessed what it looks like to be like Jesus to others through my parents and grandparents.

I know mamaw was smiling down today and I know that as my boys watched their momma speak of the goodness of God that the Lord will bless them. The legacy of our obedience to Christ passed down from my grandparents will LIVE way longer after we are gone. I believe in my heart there is no greater gift then sharing Jesus' LOVE and FREE GIFT OF SALVATION to others and I pray that as you have read a glimpse of our legacy that you will form your own. It's the only thing that matters, it's the only thing that is eternal, it's Beautifully Designed FOR YOU.