Living the New Year: Redeemed!
I love the excitement of a BRAND NEW YEAR! It reminds me of a beautiful Spring day when you wake up and step outside and smell the fresh air, see the beautiful flowers coming up, and your heart just fills up with HOPE! It's a NEW beginning and a fresh start and also an opportunity to learn from the past but make goals towards the future.I used to hate a New Year because it would force me to make a list of things I usually started and failed at within a month. Those "resolutions" consisted of an exercise regimen, reading the Bible all the way through, and learning to stress less. Well, I would be at the Mexican Buffet within a few weeks, days would turn into weeks between my "Bible reading," and well I am raising boys, so stress is just a given.
Living the New Year: I'm Redeemed!
I have learned that I need a COMMUNITY when it comes to setting goals. Since I am naturally lazy and unorganized I realized the only thing that keeps me motivated is accountability. This discovery changed my life. I ended up losing 100 lbs. through my AdvoCare community, and now we have our "Beautifully Designed" online Bible Group.The reality is that I am a control freak and I do not like to ask for help but the second I gained encouragement and I knew eyes were watching me, my commitment level SOARED! I also love to pick a word for the year. When I first saw people picking their word I thought it was a little cheesy but then I prayed and asked God to show me what word would encourage me and represent me for the year. I kept thinking of "big" things I struggle with and the one thing that popped in my head was always worrying what other people think or say about me.I have a fear of people saying negative things about me. My personality LOVES people and I want everyone to feel comfortable and at Peace with me. So the second I feel it isn't, I get anxiety! So as I prayed God gently reminded me that I am "Redeemed." When you look up this word the only definition it gives is "to buy back; to fulfill."GOD REDEEMED ME when HE died for me so I could truly LIVE! I am HIS so it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. I feel like as the year passes God will nudge this word into my heart and it will instantly replace insecurity. I want to see me as GOD sees me. I want to TRULY LIVE a REDEEMED life in 2016!
"In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God's grace." Ephesians 1:7
I have seen other people post their word on social media and I have come to fall in love with this new tradition. I asked my best friend Jamie Young her word and she said, IMMERSE. She wants to immerse herself in God, in her health, her fitness, her family, and wants to be ALL IN with all of the important areas of her life for 2016.What is your word? I would LOVE to hear your word and WHY you chose it!