New Beautifully Designed Study

On January 15th, our beautifully designed community will be gathering together to dive into my new book. This book goes into specific labels that many women wear daily. Women are walking around calling themselves failures, fat, and not enough. I think it's time we start shining light on the lies and pointing to the only truth, God's Word!

Beautifully Designed Study January 2018

Join us in this exclusive video series and let's remove the negativity and replace it with God's truth and Love He has for you!We will have weekly discussion threads and on every Thursday night I will come to you LIVE for an exclusive video series and will walk you through each chapter!Please share on social media and add your friends and family so they can join!

If you don't have your copy of the Beautifully Designed book yet, click here to order your copy today!

Beautifully Designed study schedule

If you aren't in our private group then click JOIN to be a part of the Beautifully Designed Community.

Beautifully Designed Chapter 1


Advent Calendar: Day 24