Personal Coaching

I am so excited to announce that I have joined the "Improving Life Center" team as a Leadership/Life coach. This gives me the opportunity to have one on one time with anyone who needs encouragement, support, and a voice to live out God's calling for their life.

Personal Coaching

Over the last year my coach has helped me develop systems to be more productive, encouraged me to dream again, and has supported me when I wanted to quit. I truly believe every person has a strong calling on their life and sometimes we need someone to walk alongside of us in the journey to eliminate distractions and pursue our purpose.If you are interested in learning more you can click the link below to fill out the life survey. At the end of the survey you can pick "Ashley Shepherd" as your preferred coach. There is no charge for the first 30 minute consultation, and there are many options for you to choose from.I am so excited to help people love and enjoy their life more.Click this link for the Survey.


4th Annual Beautifully Designed Conference


Prayer Filled Goals: Week 2