Where is Jesus?

You can find Jesus in the most unusual places. During His 33 years of Ministry Jesus was found healing and serving in the most unique places.He was found with the Samaritan woman who had been with many men, He was found with the blind beggar, He was found with the adulteress woman, and He was even making contact with the woman who bled for 12 years!

Where is Jesus?

He would walk slowly through the crowd, listening to his Father on where to go next. He would lead and teach His disciples along the way, even when they would question Him often. People were mad and even went against Him because He was performing miracles on the Sabbath.One place He was always found was FAITHFUL and OBEDIENT to God. It didn’t matter if He was facing attacks from the enemy for 40 days, healing the sick, or teaching the disciples He knew when to engage and when to withdraw.Where do you see Jesus in your life? You can see Him in the blessing of your child, you see Him in your marriage, and when you attend Church when you go to worship Him.But what about in the midst of conflict or chaos? Can you see Him when the storm is raging and you don’t know what direction your boat is going? Can you see Him when your character is questioned or when you can’t pay your bills? Is Jesus only present when things are going well?When Jesus walked this earth He stepped out of comfort to find the hurting, He heard the cries of the weak, and He spent time with the very ones that would reject Him. Every anxious thought and emotion, Jesus lived it.I don’t know what you are going through, but if it has anything to do with exhaustion, hurt, or frustration OPEN YOUR EYES.  Jesus is there with his arms stretched out ready to give you encouragement through His Word, His people, and conversation.There may be a lot of noise around, but if you sit in the quiet, and wait, you will feel His hands wiping your tears, His hand rubbing your back, and His love all around you.There is hope beyond any resolution in your life, and that is Jesus Christ. He is near, waiting on you to reach back. Run to your Savior.His Word will breathe life into yours.

Then the LORD God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being. Genesis 2:7


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Gospel of John: Chapters 1-4


EP 06: Nicolli & Ashley