Who Are You Listening To?
Every morning when I wake up, my usual routine is to grab my phone. Well, after I negotiate more sleep time versus a shower. Come on, I know you do it too. The other day I was scrolling through social media for a few minutes before diving into “boy land,” (You guessed it; I am a boy mom) when I got discouraged. There were just so many thoughts while I was engulfed in what other people were doing, how they were parenting, their New Years goals, and even what they were eating. The voices and opinions were overwhelming. I started questioning my goals, along with having a desire to know how to cook when I walked in the kitchen and met my family.I couldn’t shake the disappointment in myself for not being Betty Crocker for them, for not accomplishing what I set out to do in 2016, and what if I fail them in 2017? It took a while to shake the insecurities running through my brain.Two nights later my sweet friend Mitzi texted me that she was reading Ephesians with our Beautifully Designed community and sent me a verse from the Message Bible. Tears welled up in my eyes as I let the words pierce my heart.
It’s in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for. Long before we first heard of Christ and got our hopes up, he had his eye on us, had designs on us for glorious living, part of the overall purpose he is working out in everything and everyone. Ephesians 1:11-12
In an instant, all of the voices disappeared and it was replaced with the ONE voice that mattered, it was from the ONE who beautifully designed me.Social media has made it easy to compare and live with insecurities, but we can choose who the loudest voice is in our ear. God so carefully knitted you in your mother’s womb. HE knows the numbers on your head, so don’t you think it matters most what HE thinks of you? HE created us for HIM, and HIS Glory, not our own or anybody else’s Facebook status.Pick up the Word of God, grab a journal and start writing some prayers and love letters to the ONE who died and is ALIVE for you today. HE loves you so much and HIS Hope can replace all of your insecurities.