A Night of Worship: Angie Smith

Last September our women’s Bible Study group at East Maryville Baptist Church launched their fall Bible Study. They chose to do “Seamless” by Angie Smith; it was a 7 week study that went through the Bible as one complete story. After week 1, I couldn’t believe how much I had learned, I grew up in the Church as a preacher’s kid but there was something different about this study. Angie Smith’s videos and perspective was a breath of fresh air. My friend Jamie Young and I thought it would be fun to gather about a hundred women to walk through this study “online.”We posted a few things on social media and what we thought would be a small group turned into something bigger. Within 3 weeks we had over 9,000 women added to our secret face book page, we were overwhelmed by the response. God’s provision and purpose for this community started to come alive and we felt humbled to help lead these women to the ONE who beautifully designed us.Angie Smith heard about our community and was thrilled to hear so many women learning the Bible through her first study she had ever written. Our Beautifully Designed community has grown to almost 14,000 women all over the world, and we went through Angie Smith’s book “What Women Fear” together.

“We believe God is rising up HIS daughters to come together for a night of worship.”

We were very excited that Angie Smith came to East Maryville Baptist Church on April 2nd, 2016 to give her testimony and to bring all of these women together for a night of worship. What an amazing night of worship!

If you would like to join our “Beautifully Designed” community then click here.


What Women Fear: Week 3


Erasing Fear in our Lives