Erasing Fear in our Lives
I have always wondered if I let the public see on the outside what I thought of myself on the inside what would happen? I chose to do that by writing what I thought of myself on a chalkboard and I asked my husband to take my picture. I posted that picture and challenged others to the "chalkboard challenge" and over 1100 people joined in by sharing the post and chose to give FEAR community.Last week when my mind started shooting negative and awful things in my mind about myself I instantly grabbed the chalk. But when I went for the chalkboard I was shocked by what I found. My husband Ryan marked out what I wrote and replaced it with his LOVE.

Don't you think that is what God wants to do with your chalkboard of lies? HE wants to replace it with HIS WORDS because he is the one who beautifully designed you.It truly matters what you believe about yourself, we work hard everyday at our jobs, parenting our kids, or being the best spouse. Why is it so hard to work on ourselves and let God's WORD define us? I don't think I can immediately erase those thoughts when they appear but I do know where to go to punch fear in the face when they arise.
You made me; you created me. Now give me the sense to follow your commands. May all who fear you find in me a cause for joy, for I have put my hope in your word." Psalm 119:73-74

I pray the Lord gently reminds you that HE beautifully designed you and you can put all of your HOPE in HIM. Make God's VOICE in your ear louder then anyone else's including yours.