Back the Blue 2017
On August 1st, 2016 the beautifully designed community launched a nationwide Back the Blue movement that blessed over 260 counties in every state. The women of beautifully designed gathered their communities and took homemade cards, water, and snacks to their local law enforcement agencies.We are very excited about the 2nd annual Back the Blue day on August 1st, 2017. We encourage each of you to start gathering the troops to prepare to bless your local heroes.
Back the Blue 2017
This year we have partnered with Patriot Threads to help fundraise in your area. When you click the "back the blue" tab on the website you will be directed to a link to order the "Back the Blue 2017" shirt. After you click "proceed to checkout" there will be a box to type in your local law enforcement's full web address. Patriot Threads will then send $6.00 per shirt bought to your designated local law enforcement department. This is a great way to raise money for your local heroes, and you will also be supporting them by wearing your shirt on Back the Blue day, August 1st.
Order Your Shirt Here
Action steps before August, 1st 2017:
- Go to the map to claim and pin your city and state asap.
- Gather your friends, family, and children in your area to make handmade cards.
- Call your local department and see how many officers serve there.
- Call your local supermarkets to see if they can donate any water or snacks for August 1st.
- Research and save your local law enforcement web address so you can tell your friends and family who are buying a shirt to put the web address in the box when they order theirs.
- Start using our fliers to promote Back the Blue Day on your social media.
- Feel free to contact your local media stations to let them know what your area is doing for Back the Blue day.
Pin your state and city now:
Here's how to add your city to the map!
- Click on the map link
- Click on Additions then it will show you the option to Add Marker - Simple
- Type in your city plus the word police department and it will autofill in the address for your city police department.
- Ignore everything else
- Click submit and then done
- You will see your city pinned on the map!
If you have any further questions please email Let's make this Back the Blue day the biggest one yet!