EP 04: Stuck on Replay
You know when you are in the car and a song comes on that you love! You turn it up, roll the windows down and act like you are on stage?? I love those moments! My kids and I call them window parties.But, what about the times where the song that you absolutely hates comes on? The music starts and you quickly turn the station because you don’t even what to hear the artist start singing. So you go about your day but around every corner it stays stuck in your head. You're singing it doing the dishes, humming it as your at work, and YOU JUST CANNOT STOP???????
EP 04: Stuck on Replay
Well that is what I want to share my heart about! Let me ask you a question, what do you have on repeat in your mind?? It’s safe to say that since we are women we have LOTS of responsibilities that require SO MANY voices (I need to go to the store, what am I going to cook, Oh I hope I am not late for work, I need to text so and so back, Oh wow looks like it will be another day of dry shampoo (that was totally me this morning). There are so many things that flash through our minds and I believe we don’t take the time to truly be quiet enough to see if what we are thinking about is ACTUALLY helping, encouraging us, making us feel defeated, or exhausting us!I think it’s time to take a time audit of our thoughts.I've heard the quote before, “what we consume will consume us” and I believe it to be true!!What is on repeat in your mind? Maybe it’s your to do list, work responsibilities, the mistake you made 3 days ago, a negative comment from your friend, somebody else’s social media high light reel, or maybe it’s when your next meal will be!!!! (I ain't gonna lie, I have Oreo’s on the brain A LOT).No, but seriously what is consuming your thoughts?For years I suffered from postpartum depression and “negative self talk,” I literally had certain words on repeat in my mind every time I looked in the mirror “You are fat, you are ugly, of course your clothes wont fit, your husband prob doesn’t even love you.” FOR YEARS, words would repeat themselves because I had made it a habit, and I couldn’t figure out how to STOP or CHANGE it. It wasn’t as easy as just turning a knob, or leaving the area where it was playing, IT WAS COMING FROM ME!I continued to focus on the bad meal I cooked, the friend I forgot to call back, and the number on my pant size that I slowly spiraled into hiding. I wanted to be invisible, because the negative words like failure, outcast, dumb, fat, weird, and people pleaser just kept popping up on repeat! And it slowly filtered down to my heart, and it started to become my identity!I would look in the mirror and not recognize the woman staring back, I wanted to just crawl back into bed and not even begin the day. I would count down the hours until I could get back into my pj’s and hide in the comfort of darkness.
But deep down inside I knew I was created for more!
I could feel it, even with the negative words on repeat. God started sending encouragers to my rescue, I started reading the Bible more and as I began to really know who Jesus Christ was, I began to know who I was.One day, I read a blog and this scripture popped up We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ. (2 Corinthians 10:5).Immediately, I knew that if I ever was going to start living my destiny, I would have to put God’s light to the darkness that was on repeat in my mind.
How in the world do I do that?The definition of Captive is “taken prisoner or confined”. How was I going to confine these thoughts and make them a prisoner? For years the words made me feel like a prisoner. This scripture pierced my heart because I wanted to be obedient to Christ, I have loved Him my whole life! So my journey began and is still continuing.In the book of Genesis it says that God made LIGHT and when He made light and dark, he separated it. This means that light and darkness can’t coexist at the same time. There is daytime and there is nighttime. It was time to expose my dark thoughts and words on repeat to the Light!In 1 John 1:5 it says this: This is the message we have heard from Him and announce to you, that God is Light, and in Him there is no darkness at all.
THAT IS IT! Remember, “what we consume, will consume us.” I needed to consume Scripture because in Christ darkness cannot exist! God’s light will expose the darkness and redeem and restore it. Because that is WHO HE is.
Over the last 6 years, I have learned to create a new habit by filtering EVERY thought through the Light, God's Word (which is alive and the only truth there is by the way). I ask myself, “is this the truth, is it encouraging, does it reflect light or dark? Lamps, can lights, head lights etc they illuminate the darkness so we can see better, so maybe you just haven’t been able to see or think clearly like me and you are ready to expose the darkness.I want to encourage EVERY woman who can hear my voice to start putting God’s Word on repeat in your mind and allow His light to shine bright through you. This truth will help debunk all the lies and start a new ripple effect that will lead you to your destiny.Ladies! As you go through this week you have a CHOICE of what you consume, what you listen to, or who you allow to speak in your life. My prayer and heart is that you choose Jesus, you choose the Bible, and you choose the LIGHT! Life is too short to worry about our past mistakes, or failures. They are in the past and if you are a believer in Jesus Christ then they are already covered by His blood.If this is the first time you’ve heard of that please go to www.beautifullydesigned.com/meetjesus.I love you ladies, and know I am fighting this battle alongside of you, Spend some time asking Jesus to help you take every thought captive, because it’s time for those words to stop making you a prisoner, because of Jesus’s death and resurrection, YOU ARE FREE now GO LIVE LIKE IT !Ya'll be blessed!
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