The Gospel of John Bible Study

As women we have lots of responsibilities, tasks, and choices!

I heard a statistic the other day that women make over 35,000 choices in ONE DAY! Think about what it looks like when you check out at a grocery store, you have to answer like 8 questions on the credit card thingy and that’s not including all the choices you made shopping for food.

Many of us are so exhausted by the end of the day!

The Gospel of John Bible Study

So lets look at this little cell phone, it holds A LOT of data (I have 18,000 pics) ALONE! And most us use our phones most of the day to check out friends on social media, google recipes, check emails, edit pics, listen to music… and the list goes on!

Every night before we go to bed we have to charge it, as you use your phone you can see the number go down to 50, 30, 20, 8 % so every night you plug it in to give it more juice so it can fully function in the morning!

But when it comes to us, our lives, our souls, we just go to bed thinking were ok then wake up in the morning to do it all over again. We may do things like go to bed early, eat a healthy meal and those things will refuel, but it won’t recharge your soul!

But this will! THE BIBLE!

So many times I go through things and in my head think, man I wish somebody could understand what I am going through!

Being made fun of, rejection, exhaustion, having so many people coming to me for help and I don’t know where to turn—I just wish somebody understood.

Well- you are in luck because this next study we will DIVE DEEP in the book of John to take a look at the ONE person who can re-charge our souls, JESUS CHRIST. We are going to read about his miracles, his hardships, his tests from the enemy and we are going to know Jesus more. Because how can we truly know we are in Christ, without knowing Christ!

I know the Holidays are busy, but if you want to fill that void you’ve had, and recharge your soul THEN YOU WILL COMMIT!

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EP 05: Too Much Noise


EP 04: Stuck on Replay