Flourishing Faith Week 4
I am so excited to have author and speaker Aimee Larsen guest write for this week's Flourishing Faith. You can go to www.aimeelarsen.com and read more about her ministry, non-profit, and her amazing marriage book, Fresh Start. Her marriage book changed my life, I encourage you to grab one!! You ladies will be so blessed by Aimee's words and challenge to you!
Spiritual Wisdom
As I was studying my Bible, I looked around my living room and my eyes fell to some things under one of my chairs. I looked closer and could see the dust bunnies, pennies, child sized shoes and other “treasures”. It is dirty and dark under there and I hadn’t noticed. We all have those places in our home, every one of us might be a bit embarrassed by what we would find if we moved the furniture to see what was hiding underneath. All of those things were right under my feet, I was sitting above it all, focusing on my scriptures, on Jesus.
Paul writes in Eph 1:22-23 that “He put ALL things under His feet and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all."
I think so many times we walk around as women, as moms, wives, sisters, daughters, and friends and forget the POWER that is within us. We are prone to say things like “I am enough” and then, when we fall short, when the world is dark, when things feel heavy, we tell ourselves we are complete failures. When in truth, we are not enough on own. It is Christ who is enough, and we set our minds and hearts on what He can do, that He is completely sufficient, our weakness and failures become our strengths. When let Our Jesus Lord, be Lord and stand in those gaps, we realize quickly that we were never meant to be “enough”. He sits above it all.
We are called to be greater, because He is greater.
We have been given the fullness of the power of Christ. The same Christ who sits at the right side of the Father with everything at His feet. As I was studying the Ephesians 1:15-23 I was simply in awe. Paul’s prayer was that believer’s gain wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus. Not only wisdom, but our understanding that the same POWER that raised Jesus from the grave lives in us. Raised and seated at the right hand in heavenly places, we are heirs with Christ.
We too are placed far above all principalities and power and dominion. We sit above all the dirt, filth, hatefulness, anger, strife, and evil of this world. It is quite literally beneath us, at our feet. We have authority! Take your eyes off the world and what the world is telling you about who you are and what you are capable of and look at Jesus.
Prayer of the Week:
You are the Father of glory. I ask for the spirit of wisdom and revelation to know You and Your will. Enlighten the eyes of my understanding so I will know the hope that is Jesus and all He has done for us. Help me see the heavenly riches of the glory of my inheritance. Help me know and understand the power that is in me and how great it is beyond greatness. The same power that raised Jesus from the dead and put Him at Your right hand above all the evil of this world. I praise Your name who put all things under His feet.
In Jesus Holy name.
Scripture of the week:
You are [no longer] in the flesh but in the Spirit...the Spirit of God [fully] dwells in you. (Romans 8:9)
Tool of the week:
Find a few pieces of paper that you can write a scripture on, gather a few. Whatever it is that has been on your heart to pray for, find scripture to fit. Open your phone, Bible app, or computer and search for scriptures concerning what is on your heart. When you read one that speaks to you, write it down. I want you to begin praying the Lord’s Word back to Him when in prayer. Wherever you see it fit to pray, place those scriptures there to have them handy. Remind the Lord, “Lord, you say... “and read the scripture back in prayer. You will be putting that scripture in your heart and communicating your needs with His own Word.