Safe in His Arms
I have to admit, I LOVE MY SLEEP. Every week there are many nights around 3 am I will hear little footsteps hurrying in my room. I open my eyes and can barely see little footie pajamas reaching up to sneak under the covers. My 4 year old Levi has had night terrors since he was a baby. They are less frequent now but I can always tell when they occur. His heart races and his little arms wrap around my neck.There are times he whispers, "Mommy mommy mommy I love you, I love you, I love you." I love on him and try to calm his sweet gentle heart. I will carry him back to bed and rub his back until he falls asleep again. I lay there and pray God's Peace over his thoughts and little body.
Anytime he feels scared his first reaction is to run and throw his arms around my neck saying "mommy mommy mommy", it's his security.
"The name of the Lord is a strong tower; The righteous run to it and are safe."Proverbs 18:10
There have been many times in my life I know Jesus can hear my feet run to HIM. I have had personal tragedies where all I know what to do is say Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. I may not be able to tangibly feel HIS arms around me but HIS Peace is evident when it stills my racing heart.I pray as Levi gets older and life happens he RUNS to the ONE that is safe and yells JESUS, JESUS, JESUS I love you, I love you, I love you.