What Women Fear?

I recently asked this question on Facebook, "What is it that distracts you from living out your purpose everyday?" Out of 107 responses about 90% had the word "FEAR" in them. Women are being oppressed by fear of failure, fear of success, fear of other people's opinions, fear of rejection, and all of this ultimately cripples women of actually LIVING.I believe that Satan's way of keeping women enslaved is through FEAR and insecurity. If women can walk around concerned with what others think or they let their insecurity distract them ultimately they will not BE the difference makers God designed them to be. For over 4 years I let fear dictate my life which ultimately resulted in depression. I wanted to be invisible so I wouldn't have to "feel" insecure and risk being humiliated. My little family missed out on memories because of my distress. God helped me OVERCOME and now it's my mission to help women walk in their calling God has placed on their lives and to punch Fear in the face!

"He drew me up from the pit of destruction, out of the slimy pit, and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure." Psalm 40:7

Jamie and I are very excited to launch our January study, What Women Fear: Walking in Faith that Transforms by Angie Smith. Angie goes into detail about how the enemy is seeking to destroy women through fear. We will dive into God's Word on how to overcome and ultimately WALK in the Spirit. We will start on January 11, 2016, there will be weekly videos, discussions, prayer forums, and accountability partners. It's TIME for WOMEN to RISE UP and live out their beautifully designed life.You can purchase this book at your local Lifeway or at www.lifeway.com or order online at Amazon.com

what women fear

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Safe in His Arms


Where do you Find your Worth?