Faith in the Fire

Happy New Year! I am so excited to begin another year with each of you in our Beautifully Designed community. So much has happened since God brought all of us together over 6 years ago! We have been able to have over 35 Bible studies, 8 women's events, a podcast, 3 books, and I have had such great opportunities to travel and share at so many of your women's events. I thank the Lord every day for bringing us together. There is something so special about this group and that is YOU! Women from all over the world connected for one purpose, to grow closer to Jesus. We are far from perfect but we know how loved we are by the one who beautifully designed us. 

And now here we are, the beginning of 2022. We all have experienced hard and heavy things the last 2 years and if you're like me you feel like you have lived a lifetime in just a few years. Many of you know about my mother's cancer diagnosis in the summer of 2021 and I can tell you that this unexpected journey put me face to face with God. I have never been so angry and cried out to God so much in my life. I am very thankful we serve a God who can take every one of our emotions and continues to love us. Our family entered an unknown fire but we have also felt the hand of God (one night my mom did physically- I will share that story soon) in the midst of the pain. 

So how do you have faith in the fire? How do you have joy in the suffering?

As we look forward to the new year in a different culture and hard circumstances, how do we stay hopeful and not sad?

My answer is, I don't know

I bet you weren't expecting that answer. But it's the truth. I think it's time as women that we give ourselves permission to live in the space of joy because of our blessings but also discouragement because of our fire. Life is messy but beautiful. I used to be scared of change, scared of pain, but the Lord has taught me that I can walk into the hard mess with a strength that is from Him. My fire has brought my hardest cries and my biggest fears to life but it also has me diving deep into my Faith. At the end of the day, Jesus is the only part of my life that is stable and unchanging. 

I don't know what your fire looks like. I don't know how long you have been standing with the heat all around you wondering when you can get relief. But I can relate to feeling like you are living from one crisis to the next. And if you feel like me, you are ready to feel things shift. Would you like to go on a journey with me of walking out of the fire with Jesus? Would you like to feel His peace when the flames feel like it's engulfing your life? I believe Jesus is the answer, the only truth that exists.

If you want to join me in this journey share this article on social media with the #faithinthefire and tag me! Ask your friends and family to join us. We will be opening up our Bibles and learning through people that fought their fire with their Faith. We will be praying ALOT and ultimately we will be supporting each other. 

If you aren't a part of our Facebook group where we will be diving into Scripture and praying together you can join with this link.

I am here for you and I am in this with you. I want 2022 to be the year that I recklessly surrender to God regardless of what happens in my life. I want 2022 to be the year where I see the Lord move in my life. Want to join me? Share this article and let's begin our Faith journey!!! #faithinthefire

"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through the fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you." Isaiah 43:2

May the peace of God consume us!


Focus 14: 14 Days of Focus


Flourishing Faith Week 16: Come What May